Monday, July 7, 2014

Taking a Break

It's time recharge the old brain juices.  I'll be back mid-July.  Best to you all.


  1. Oh Liza, I do hope that scene represents someplace you might get to visit! Do have a refreshing breather! :-)

  2. Enjoy! And that's an awesome photo. Take more.

  3. Oh, my. I want to pull up a chair and sit with you. What a gorgeous photo. See you when you're recharged.

  4. That is a gorgeous pic.

    Did you see my comment on the last one that I dedicated something to you on the HERE'S TO YOU post. If not, I just wanted to make sure you knew...

    Enjoy your time away!

  5. Hey, I want to sit in that chair. Enjoy your break.

  6. Hi Liza,

    I immerse myself in that vision of sunlit hope.

    Happy recharging, my friend.

    Gary :)

  7. sounds good to me! summer is a great time to recharge! i can't wait to do some major writing on my vacation, away from the rest of my duties!

    and thanks for commenting on my broken branch falls blog tour!

  8. Another gorgeous photo *sigh*

    Enjoy your break :)
