It’s late August. The pay checks have stopped coming. The car overheated; it’s about the fourth time it’s been in the shop this year. The back roof isn’t looking too good. Our daughter wants to take a science trip to Costa Rica in February. She’s earning half the funds but it’s an expensive trip. Also coming up in February—her driver’s license, which means additional insurance and a decision still to be made if the existing car can undergo a thorough overhaul and become hers for local driving. A purchase of another car would follow. Medical insurance costs have sky rocked as result in the change in insurers since I used to carry the family benefits, not to mention there is significantly less being put aside now for the proverbial “rainy day.” Two years from now, our girl will go to college. My husband gets up every morning and with out a complaint drives sixty miles to work.
It’s late August. Vacations will be over, back to school arrives next week; the summer is done, people begin working again in earnest; typically jobs open up.
Sigh. A friend emailed a Boston job opportunity to me. It fits the exact specifications of my former career, for a smaller, more entrepreneurial company. I hear the voice of my outplacement counselor: “What’s the harm in applying? You can always say no.” I rationalize that the hour-plus on public transportation followed by a one mile walk each way would provide time and fodder for writing.
I suppose.
God help me. I attached my on-line resume and applied.
Fingers Crossed!
ReplyDeleteI feel you pain! Find something you love this time around.