Saturday, November 28, 2009

Darren McGavin has nothing on me

One of my favorite movies of all time is A Christmas Story, based on tales written by Jean Shepherd, staring Darren McGavin. You’ve probably seen it; it usually plays in a repetitive loop prior to Christmas. Based in 1940, it’s an ageless hoot. If you are a fan, like me, then you’ll be able to hear the family patriarch’s voice as he cavorts around the house yelling “It’s a major award! It’s a major award!”

That’s how I felt yesterday when the clever, funny and yes, scrappy Sarah over at Sarah with a Chance bestowed the Honest Scrap Award on me! Only Sarah’s award is a lot better than what Darren McGavin pried out of the hay-packed box he received (I won’t ruin it for those who don’t know the movie). The honor is more on par with Ralphie’s “Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle.” So a huge thank you to Sarah for putting me in such gifted company.

The rules of the award dictate that I tell you ten honest things about me…

1) My mother used to call me “Lizard.” I’m not sure whether that was a play on the spelling of my name, or because as a child I was so skinny I looked like one.

2) The second toes on each of my feet bend at 90 degree angles. I've always though that it’s possible they pulled little lizard me out that way.

3) My father used to say that I love my husband Tim because he looks like Tom Selleck. My husband’s grandmother used to say I love Tom Selleck because he looks like Tim. Hmm. Anyway, a million years after Magnum PI went off the air, I still catch my breath when I see that guy. (Which one? Guess.)

4) I was an English major but I can’t spell. Regular Middle Passages readers probably already know that.

5) If I allowed myself to watch TV during the day, I’d be a Food Network addict.

6) I love to cook. It provides an outlet through which to nurture those I love.

7) I love to eat what I cook. It provides an outlet through which to nurture me.

8) Though I have hosted 14 out of the last 15 Thanksgivings, this year was the first time I ever roasted a turkey.

9) I don’t sing in the shower. I sing in the garden—often phrases of Latin pieces I learned in our high school Acappella Choir. “Oh Magnum, mysterium…” Thankfully, our closest neighbor is never home.

10) By far, my proudest accomplishment in life is raising our beautiful, smart accomplished daughter, with whom we are blessed. No other word does justice to the feeling.

OK, so now I’m supposed to award the Honest Scrap award to 10 blogs that I think deserve recognition. Since Sarah already awarded two that I would have nominated (Through My Eyes, and Tales of Extraordinary Ordinariness) I won’t get to 10, but here are some lovely writers you should check out:

Sharon at Musings of a Mercurial Woman

M.Heart at Secret Notebooks – Wild Pages

Simon at Constant Revision

Therresa at The Chocolate Chip Waffle

Amy at AmyMusings

Thank you again Sarah! I'll try not to shoot my eye out.


  1. Thanks, Lizard...umm, I mean Liza!

    May you enjoy your award under the light of a stiletto heeled lamp al la "A Christmas Story." Mmmm. Pass the roasted turkey.

  2. Many thanks, good lady! Both for the award, and for giving me something to blog about this coming Monday.

    I shall express my appreciation most profusely, I assure you. :)

  3. Congrats on the award. I love the Christmas story too. :) Classic. Is it Christmas until you see this movie? :)

  4. Well good morning, Lizard,, (you have let the cat out of the bag now). I tease my wife that if I can ever find a "lamp" like that one, I have got to have it,, lol

  5. Hey all! Thanks for the comments. Yea, I wonder if I should have mentioned the Lizard thing after all...Glenn, guess what? We have a night-light replica of the lamp. We plug it in at Holiday time and laugh when ever we see it. If you really want the lamp, I think I've seen a full sized one (your wife may want to kill me) in the "What on Earth" catalog.
