Tuesday, December 22, 2009


My year is approaching its end with a chrysanthemum display of fireworks, as Diana at Writing Roller Coasters honored me with The Superior Scribbler Award! OK, it’s confession time. Since February when I began navigating the blogging world, I’ve read so many beautiful blogs, always envying the stamps lining their sides and wondering whether I’d ever write well enough to get one. Now, in a matter of weeks, I have--count’em--three.

I still ponder, when I page back through Middle Passages, what people think as they read—as in: “What, is she nuts? Sharing all that over the Internet? And she thinks she can write?” Little by little I’m getting over that, as a result of the kind and helpful comments from my (hooray, as of today) 45 followers. I have learned, since making that decision to join a writer’s group on LinkedIn, which led me so quickly to other writers who also blog, how valuable it is to have a support system.

My own group of virtual followers gives me the strength and inspiration to move forward, and through you all, I’m gaining the hope and confidence that Middle Passages may be only the start. Each of us is bent on improving our own skills while motivating and nurturing others in what can be a solitary quest. I'm so grateful to know that I'm not at all alone.

So, thank you. To those who read and to those who comment, you mean the world to me.

And though I’m supposed play the award forward; it’s a crazy time of year. My holiday gift is to hold off on bestowing the Scribbler on others, right now anyway--though there are so many talented writers out there, I reserve the right to do so in the future.


  1. Lovely post. May your holidays be grand.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

    I look forward to visiting your lovely blog in the new year. I always enjoy my visits here :)

  3. Congrats on the awards, Liza! You deserve 'em.

    Happy holidays, and all that. May yours be restful and relaxing and non-redundant. :)

  4. Ain't no need for you to worry 'bout your writing. Just keep on doin' it. You deserve the awards. Merry Christmas

  5. Congratulations on your award Liza! Have a wonderful holiday.

  6. You deserve this award especially, Liza. Your writing is beautiful!
