Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Feast or Famine, Of Course

I’m going to keep this short today. I am two classes behind on my on-line writing course, and have a brochure to write for a non-profit, with my fingers crossed that another job will be coming along soon. Sorry to say that The Artist’s Way has been relegated to the bottom of the pile which, kick myself, is NOT where it is supposed to be.

So instead of a Middle Passages post, I’d like to ask you to click over to, and read the last few posts at Where Sky Meets Ground, by Jon Paul, a writer, and a helicopter pilot currently based in Baghdad. Jon Paul wrote a hysterical account of a fictional job interview about a helicopter pilot trying to get a position as a writer (read both posts). Those of you who know my past will understand why the topic resonated with me, but it was his writing that kept me laughing.

Without further ado, I give you Jon Paul, at: Where Sky Meets Ground.



  1. Thanks for the link! I hope you get caught up on all your obligations so that book can come back to the top of the pile. :)

  2. thnx for the "tip" I took the trip,,(hey that's a Pooiem) I read your comment on his post, (is that snooping?)..Maybe i have not noticed and for that I apologize, but you can throw away the lacking of self confidence worry in your writing.. really,, lol

  3. Off to check it out! Thanks, Liza!

  4. Praying for you and your deadlines!

  5. Oo, I know Jon Paul, but I didn't know he was a pilot/based in Baghdad!

  6. Cute post. I read both parts and left a message telling him I'd linked from here.

    Straight From Hel

  7. Wow Liza! I don't know what to say. I am totally blown away! My gast, in short, is flabbered.

    I too suffer from the confidence problem you describe. Every little vote of support helps, so I sincerely appreciate it. It really means alot.

    Again, thank you so very much.

  8. Awesome I'll click over. There is something for you on my blog on Wednesday :)
