Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Bottom of the Barrell

My daughter has taken pity on me. When she asked: “What are you going to write on your blog today and I snapped “I don’t know!” she thought she’d give me a few ideas. “Did you already write about the birds?”
“Could you write about the fact that you have nothing to write about?”
“I may have to.”
“How about writing about a squirrel named ‘Bob’?”

Sometimes it’s a struggle to refrain from recording the the bla, bla, bla of my days, to force myself to stretch my brain toward a topic that touches, or colors, or with any luck stops you cold. Today though, I’m the one who is cold, like the fine snow particles spitting from our winter sky. We've reached the grey of the season. Tires sew zipper tracks through the dusting of snow on our driveway, pine trees sway under a liberal dose of talcum powder. The sky holds bleached white, an ocean of still and quiet.

It is the time of year that we have to force ourselves to find warmth in the sun, and it's too easy to daydream about teal Caribbean waters and a wallet that takes you there. Given I haven't purchased a lottery ticket, perhaps instead of longing for the imaginary, I'll celebrate what is real.

Last week Tricia over at Tailspinning, gave me an award:

Since all week I have struggled to fashion a well written blog post, now seems like the right time to remind myself of this, and to thank Tricia. If you haven’t read her, she writes beautiful Haiku’s, among other things, takes stunning pictures, and loves the sea. All good reasons to be drawn to her blog. Please check her out.

The rules of this award are to answer the following questions with one word. My challenge above not withstanding, most times verbosity is one of my failings; it practically killed me to be limited here!

Your cell phone: texting
Your hair: curly.
Your mother: gone.
Your father: also.
Your favorite food: impossible
Your dream last night: none.
Your favorite drink: coffee.
Your dream goal: book.
What room are you in: Family.
Your hobby: gardening.
Your fear: loneliness
Where do you see yourself in six years: successful.
Where were you last night: home.
Something you aren't: tall.
Muffins: corn.
Wish list item: car.
Where did you grow up: Massachusetts.
Last thing you did: wrote.
What are you wearing: wool.
Your TV: Off.
Your pets: Winkie.
Friends: Supportive.
Your life: engaging.
Your mood: determined.
Missing someone: Sarah
Vehicle: OLD
Something you aren't wearing: perfume.
Your favorite store: book.
Your favorite color: blue.
When was last time you laughed: today.
Last time you cried: Tuesday.
Your best friend: kind.
One place you go to over and over: beach
Facebook: Struggle.
Favorite place to eat: Connie’s

Thank you Tricia! I'll forward the award to five bloggers in the future!


  1. Liza, you make even the mundane sound beautiful.

    Amazing what one word reveals...

  2. You got a LOT to write about. lol.. Sometimes it just takes patience to allow the cream to float on up to the top.. I have seen it.. right here,, lol

  3. If this is a blog post about nothing, it sure meant a lot to me. "Tires sew zipper tracks through the dusting of snow on our driveway." How do you come up with these amazing visual descriptions?

  4. "The sky holds bleached white" Now that is a stunner. Nothing the least bit shabby about this post.

  5. Liza, congrats on the award. I think we all fall on hard times now and again. It makes the great times really mean something.

    As always, your prose really pops--and a nice post to boot.
