Monday, May 17, 2010

Could This be Love?

Suzy Hayes over at Tales of Extraordinary Ordinariness held a one sentence blog fest last week. I wanted so much to think of something inspiring, like Sharon did here, but all I came up with was this refrain on Sunday morning:

“Thank God for the chef who invented Chocolate Soup.”

I’m not sure that was what Suzy had in mind.

My husband and I don’t get out much these days, so it is possible that our hand-holding walk through Boston Common to Beacon Hill, treading over brick sidewalks that literally heave with history, past vigilant townhouses whose granite steps host wrought-iron boot scrapers from the eighteenth century--may have set the tone. Sometimes when you step out of your routine, whatever you encounter is destined to seem good.

But this was more than that, I’m convinced. The dessert, served to us as we celebrated the graduation of my college roommate’s daughter here, arrived in the middle of a rectangular plate hosting a trio of chocolate sweets. In truth, the other two confections, a luscious chocolate bread pudding (heretofore my favorite dessert of all time, see this related post) and a chocolate crème brulee, which honestly made me shiver all by itself, might have been to-die-for on their own. But each was disadvantaged in that they flanked a white ceramic espresso cup filled with about four tablespoons of brown-velvet decadence, topped with a generous sprinkle of toasted almonds.

Hubby and I shared this dessert, and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that once we each had a taste of the soup, a bit of spoon dueling ensued. I have spent the last 36 hours trying to erase this confection from my mind, but it keeps coming back, taunting me with the memory of its thick, molten texture, the swirl-in-your mouth explosion of liquid chocolate, followed by a crusty crunch of almonds.

So, today, as I sat at the computer pondering a meaningful sentence for Suzy or a blog post to start off the week, I found myself Googling "Chocolate Soup" instead. Where have I been? Recipes are not hard to find. This dessert unto itself serves as an unadulterated inducement to get out of the house more often. What else have I been missing?

The wallet however, will not support this type of dinner extravagance regularly, so I'm pleased that I found this as-yet-untried-by-me recipe which gets high marks from reviewers. It’s different from the version we fought over, but it’s chocolate, it’s soup, and it gets four stars. The next time we have company; it will be on the menu for sure.

Did you want to come over to my house for supper tonight?


  1. Driving directions, please! It might take me a few days to cross the country. But for chocolate soup....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for the kind referral. I really don't know where my one sentence post came from. I put my fingers on the keyboard and it seemed to write itself. It think it is as much a message for me as for those of you kind enough to comment onl.

    I'm finding this delicious post of yours just a little spooky. I ate a Klondike bar and a chocolate brownie right before reading this and still have the taste in my mouth. I'm ready to step up to the gourmet chocolate treats you've shared here. Yummy!

    I became so nostalgic for Philadelphia's historic areas while you were giving us a tour of Beacon Hill. I miss my home town and the connections to the past.

  4. I never ever heard of chocolate soup! I'm thinking it must be like mousse only not as thick? I'll be checking out the recipe for sure. I enjoyed this post, probably a lot more than I would have liked a one sentence post that would have had me shaking my head wondering what the heck is chocolate soup.

  5. Sharon, too funny! My daughter just returned from a trip to Philadelphia and when I saw her pictures I said: "Hey, that looks a lot like Boston!"

    Tricia, let me know what time to expect you!

    KarenG, all I can say is that it was like...soup. The consistency of a chowder base, but in chocolate. I'm still drooling.

  6. YES! I am there. And thank God for the chef who invented chocolate soup wounds wise and inspiring to me :)

  7. What a great blog!! Yes, I'd love to come over for a fabulous dinner, haha.

  8. Yes Tab, the dessert was inspired. Saumya, I'll let you know when I'm serving! Thank you for visiting!

  9. If you're serving chocolate soup tonight, I am there. I'm in San Antonio right now, though. Can you give me directions?

    Straight From Hel

  10. I have never heard of chocolate soup, either, so don't feel too bad. And I am stymied for writing inspiration all of the time!

  11. It might take me a few days to cross the country. But for chocolate soup....
    data entry india
