Friday, November 19, 2010

Battle Stations

I confess. My mind is not on this blog post. My mind is on this weekend and next week as follows:

Sunday: Our daughter is one of two girls to be honored in a ceremony celebrating the achievement of her Girl Scout Gold Award, (similar to a Boy Scout Eagle). Through her efforts, donations were received that allowed our fire department to purchase an extra Automated External Defibrillator and train town employees. Town officials, our state representative and state senator will be present awards. A letter for the President of the United States will be forthcoming…although we are not sure it will arrive in time for the ceremony. I need to plan my outfit for the day carefully, because I can feel my chest swelling already.  By Sunday, buttons may fly...

Monday: Work an eight hour shift at the cheese shop which I enjoy immensely but which is so physically demanding I crawl home useless.

Tuesday: Prep everything I can for Thursday

Wednesday: Work...eight hours again.  For the first time in fifteen years, I won’t be home getting organized the day before Thanksgiving…instead I’ll be at the shop filling orders for customers' Thanksgivings.

Thursday: Get up early, early, early. Peel potatoes, bake pies. Figure out how long to cook the turkey (that should say “a” turkey. My mother-in-law will cook another). Thanksgiving also means our daughter will play her flute in the pep band for the high school football game. Since she is a senior, this is our last chance to see her do so. Cross your fingers that the bird doesn’t burn, but we ARE going to the game. Return home and put on Thanksgiving for 29. Don’t worry. Everyone brings food…but still…

I'm sorry about that lousy posts lately.  I am nothing if not distracted...but oh. So. Very. Thankful.

Happy Friday all!


  1. Congratulations to your daughter. My husband still carries his Eagle Scout card in his wallet! Have a picture on the desk of him receiving the award. You have every right to's a wonderful moment!!! And a tribute to a wonderful daughter and her wonderful family!!! The superlatives aren't excessive, just the truth!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  2. Oh, next week. I'm so in denial about hosting Thanksgiving that I am not even thinking about the cooking yet! EEk!

  3. Oh Liza, it sounds stressful but at the same time so very wonderful. It's easy to see you have much to be thankful for.
    A very Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  4. You do have a busy week ahead! busy busy! Congrats to your daughter on her HUGE achievement. She's invested a lot of time and years into that, and it's definitely something to be proud of. I wish you the best this coming week. Rest when you can!

  5. You do have a busy week ahead! busy busy! Congrats to your daughter on her HUGE achievement. She's invested a lot of time and years into that, and it's definitely something to be proud of. I wish you the best this coming week. Rest when you can!

  6. Wow--I'm tired just reading this. But it sounds like you have some amazing things ahead of you. Huge congratulations for your daughter. That is a tremendous accomplishment!

  7. Such wonderful family doings! Most important!! I wouldn't worry about posts. I just enjoy coming over here and seeing your soothing banner picture!! I would love to have such a picture framed and hanging in front of me on the wall!!!

    Have a great week!

  8. congrats to your daughter. She, I think, must be following in some busy footsteps. Somehow, I feel being busy energizes you, just a little.. lol.. oh,, your posts have been great..

  9. Lousy post? I always enjoy hearing about other people's routines and schedules, and had to lol at the day in the cheese shop. "crawl home useless" that describes me when I worked fulltime at the Costco food court. Congrats to your daughter and have a happy Thanksgiving!

  10. I'm rooting for you to do it all... and for your bird to turn out just right. Congrats to your daughter and have fun at the game! And thanks for sharing your adventures with us!

  11. Cheese Stop? Sounds like my kind of place. Have a good weekend/week.

  12. You have every reason to be kind of preoccupied I'd say. I know I have been of late.

    Tossing It Out

  13. Now I know why you have three pages of notes. I had to laugh when you said you thought you'd lost them. I'd be insane if that ever happened. (and it has)

    Congratulations to you proud mom. That's a wonderful achievement for your daughter.

    Remember what I said about having people help you. Peeling potatoes comes to mind. They'll stay white if you peel them and put them in water overnight.

  14. Liza, congratulations to your daughter. You must be really proud!
