Tuesday, January 31, 2012

If at First you don't Succeed...

I had it in my head I'd get up for the sunrise this morning.  But when I looked out the window, it was black, black, black, and I was pretty sure cloud cover would skunk my chances.  I know from experience that January sunrises can be iffy...

Forty-five minutes later, I'm assured I made the right decision, and you get a blogpost rerun from last year.  I'd risen in frigid temps on a Friday, to get a cloudy dawn.  I posted this the following Monday.

. . . try another sunrise.

Saturday morning at 6:35, a tap, tap tap on the shoulder wakes me. Aware of Friday's sunrise photography attempt, my husband points out the window.  The sky glows orange and pink through the trees, but it's a seven minute drive to the harbor.  Darn.

Sunday, I don't give it a thought.  Today though, since it's MLK Day. . . it isn't necessary to make breakfast or a school lunch.  So I get an extra half-hour of sleep and still have enough time to hop into the car to try for these.  It is cold as you-know-what out there, but the views are worth the frozen fingertips.

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Hope you are having a great week.


  1. Wow, beautiful pictures. I love the last one especially.

  2. Amazing how different around this time last year was!

    Hope the weather brightens up asap!

    These pictorial meander down memory lane is lovely! thank you, take care

  3. East coast sunrises are just beautiful. (sigh) I'm never at the coast in winter so it's wonderful to see the snowy ground glittering next to the water like that. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning, Liza!

  4. They are beautiful with the snow!
    Hope your next early morning works out better.

  5. Very pretty. Sunrise and Sunset are so fleeting. It seems as though they rush to completion. Hard to capture something in such a hurry!

  6. These are pure inspiration. I love the tree. You are an excellent photographer!

  7. Love the first photo - want to walk along the shore and keep watching; the second makes me want to snuggle next to a fire with hot chocolate; the third is totally haunting and my favorite :)

  8. Beautiful, Liza - they almost encourage me to get up for dawn photos ... almost :)

  9. Dawn has always been my favorite time of day. You've captured some beautiful pictures. Almost as good as being there. (But not as cold.)

  10. I love getting those early morning shots. These are beautiful.
