Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Just Keep Writing

It's IWSG Wednesday, our friend Alex Cavanaugh's brainchild wherein writers help other writers.  It's an amazing group, and if you want to read more participants, click here.  The ninja captain requested we include our bios this month, along with our IWSG posts.  Here's mine: 

I'm pretty sure I write from my bones.  Now a freelance writer, blogger and developing fiction writer, I spent a lifetime in the corporate world before a job elimination forced a long awaited change in priorities.  The next morning, words broke out and I've never looked back.  My freelance articles and essays have appeared in Boston Globe Magazine, South Shore Living, Adoptive Families Magazine and and I'm currently querying a novel. 


I’m not a resolution girl.  I don’t make them, not out loud anyway.  I prefer private goals, being superstitious enough to think if people hear (or read) me say something, I’ll fail. Which leads me to formulate rather ordinary words for my first IWSG post of 2015.  Things like, keep plugging.  Get up every day and plan to write and stick to the plan.  

Admittedly, it's not much.  But if you are looking for more, Writer's Digest posted fifty essays that might offer assistance, and perhaps, inspiration.  I will say this out loud and in print.  I'm planning on reading them all.

 Happy New Year.  Shall we make it a good one?



  1. Fifty articles - that's going to keep me busy!

  2. Great bio! And "keep writing" is always a great goal/resolution. :)

  3. Inspiration from others keeps a heart beating and the toes tapping.

  4. Great bio! I rarely achieve my new years resolutions/goals regardless of if I say them out loud or not. So I tend to say mine out loud in the hope that will encourage me to try a little harder. lol I really want to do better this year though, so yes, let's make 2015 a good one :)

  5. Great bio! I rarely achieve my new years resolutions/goals regardless of if I say them out loud or not. So I tend to say mine out loud in the hope that will encourage me to try a little harder. lol I really want to do better this year though, so yes, let's make 2015 a good one :)

  6. Writer's Digest does have good articles. I've been out of the loop for awhile with regard to industry rags. I need to get back to that. :-) I'm not big on resolutions either. Oh, I take stock of where I've been and where I want to be but tend to compete with myself so most of my goals, if you will, are between me, myself, and I. Not for superstitious reasons but because it's for me.

    Yay on getting essays published. Wishing you the best for your novel querying.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  7. Your simple words are probably the most important to insure success. Keep trying.

  8. Keeping writing--that is the most important resolution. I think we all need to hear it.

  9. Wow! 50 articles? That's a lot. I'll take a stab at it.

    And congrats with all your writing. I think that "keep plugging" sounds like a great resolution. :)

  10. Hi, Liza,

    Happy 2015!

    Thanks for sharing those essays with us! I definitely need to read them!

    You've already have printed work and now the novel is on the way. Keep at it!

    ALL the best this year! Let's make it memorable!

  11. Fifty essays - that's a lot! I'll have to go see. I agree with you about not sharing goals publicly. I have an accountability partner with whom I share my goals. I feel like I'd rather share the achievement, not the plan. One thing I did take on was the One Year Bible. I'm already behind, but it's something I have always wanted to do.

  12. Ironically, I think "keep writing" and "keep reading" are probably the best things we can do. So, that's excellent advice!

  13. Happy new year! Fifty articles? Will put that one at the bottom of my goal list lol! x

  14. I hardly ever achieve my resolutions but for some reason I keep on making them...maybe this year will be different! Thanks for sharing the Writer's Digest essays! I will definitely check those out.

  15. Yes, it shall be a great year. You wrote common sense - have to keep writing, keep sending out, head high on rejection, butt in chair, and scribble some more. I have no doubt you'll have a great year - writing and photography. Your work is sublime

  16. I enjoyed your bio. Happy New Year to you! I hope it is your best year yet.

  17. I enjoyed your intro as well. And keep plugging is probably the best advice I've read yet for the new year. Now I'm off to start on those fifty articles, thank you for sharing the link.
    Happy 2015!
