It's IWSG Day. The goal of this blog hop is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without
fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire
can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure
writers of all kinds. IWSG is the brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh, our brilliant ninja leader. Co-hosts this month are: J.H. Moncrieff, Natalie Aguirre, Patsy Collins, and Chemist Ken!
It’s IWSG week and all I have is this.
I’m going to my first writing conference.
I have a twenty-minute meeting with an agent who has the
first twenty pages of my book, my query and a synopsis.
I’ve written a 35-word pitch.
If it gets me anywhere, I need a couple of follow-up
sentences, so I’ve written those too.
There is nothing else I can think about right now.
Except, I’m sure on the day of the conference it will rain.
It’s in Boston and I’m taking public transportation. There’s a walk involved.
I’ll forget my notes
Or forget my pitch.
Or the agent will have nothing good to say.
But there is this. Twenty minutes is twenty minutes. Beyond
that, I’m attending four seminars. I’ll be with other writers, authors and presenters.
It’s a marvelous opportunity for learning, and it has taken me five years to
convince myself to go.
Think of me on Saturday.
Any good vibes you might like to send will be gratefully accepted.