Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Full Moon Fantasy

At 6:08 this morning, this was the view outside of our bedroom, and no folks, that is not the sun.

Today I’m working on something new for me. It’s a short story contest from Suzy at Tales of Extraordinary Ordinariness, and I hope you all don’t mind, but I’m going to work on an entry for that instead of a normal blog post. My goal in all this blogging is to expand my writing skills and this is one more way to do so. To tell the truth, up until a few weeks ago, I didn’t know if I had an ounce of fiction in me, but my apple farm vignette last week convinced me that it'll be fun to give it a try. Suzy has jump started me with a first and final line.

I may include the completed product here…but if not, you’ll likely find it if you click on Suzy’s link this coming Monday.

Thanks for your patience with me.