Tuesday, June 8, 2010

As I See it

By the time you read this, I'll be clackety-clacking on the train to the big city Wednesday. During my regular eye exam in April, the doctor discovered something peculiar about my corneas. After referencing an intimidating Latin term and telling me not to worry about that, he instructed me to do nothing and return in six weeks for more testing. Did I look up that Latin word on the Internet? Hell no. I’m big into denial here. So much so that instead of telling you how I feel about this appointment, I’m going to focus (No pun intended but let's keep it in anyway, okay?) on positives.

Awards, to be exact.

Last week, both Ro, at Soft Winds and Roses and Robin at Your Daily Dose gave me the Sugar Doll Award.

Now, here’s the thing. By the time I grew up, my father had over 100 rose bushes on his property. In his honor, I try to cultivate about six in my shady plot of land, with limited success. I can tell you about aphids, black spot, Japanese beetles and powdery mildew. There are blooms yes, but never enough sun and I don't win the war. So the gorgeous roses twisted around a cartwheel on Ro’s masthead swallowed me in, from there it’s been good fun and fantastic pictures.

As for Robin, well she says it like it is. You have to check out her “Here’s to you Thursdays.” She’s thoughtful in her selections, kind and sensitive…and I don’t say that just because I was a previous honoree! Check out Your Daily Dose.

The rules of the Sugar Doll award are to share ten things about yourself and pass the award on to ten bloggers you admire, but I’ve already spilled just about every pseudo interesting about me in Middle Passages. After all, waking from a snooze on the driveway to a neighbor who wants to call an ambulance? That’s kind of interesting, right? That said, if you can’t restrain your burning compulsion to know more about lil' ol' me, click here, but I will harbor zero disappointment if you move right along. If you like the little do-hicky and want to post it to your sidebar, feel free to snap it up--the ten interesting things are optional.

Next, John Paul over at Where Sky Meets Ground bestowed the Journey Support Award on me.

JP, the amazing helicopter pilot who, up until recently was stationed in Afghanistan and is now on the way to an assignment in Sicily with his family, gets a huge shout out for the links he includes and the lessons he writes. The award from JP highlights what I’ve been saying for several months now. Writers are nice. The insight, compassion, ideas, thoughtfulness and empathy that emanate from so many writers out there in the blogosphere drill down about as deep inside me as you can get.

I have benefited from many more, but below, in no particular order, are a group of bloggers and/or aspiring writers I'd like to honor, all of whom have helped me to stop, reflect and learn:

Jody at Author, Jody Hedlund
Carol at Carol’s Prints
Simon at Constant Revision
Glen at Differences with the Same Likeness
Bridget (who I miss) at JBChicoine—Aspiring Novelist
Sharon at Musings of a Mercurial Woman
Helen at Straight from Hel
Suzy at Extraordinary Ordinariness
Tricia at Tailspinning
Tabitha at Through My Eyes

Thanks to all. I wish you continued success.

"See" you in a day or two.


  1. yyy,, Thnk you Ms. Liza.. you have a fun day with it all,, glenn

  2. Thank you, Liza! You're a dear for thinking of me.

    Here's hoping your appointment is full of nothing but good news and possibly unicorns and rainbows. Well, maybe not the last two, but definitely the first thing.

    Be well!

  3. Liza--I'm still lurking a bit--just busy, busy, busy...sounds as if you are, too!
    And, thanks for the nice award--you're so kind :)

  4. Congratulations on the awards - and keep thinking positive.

  5. Thank you Liza. I am touched. Hoping for the best of news from the eye doc.
    Your award reminds me of one of my favs from Richard Bach's Illusions: "We teach best what we most need to learn."

  6. Thank you very much for the Award. How cool!

    I totally understand the denial. When I get bad or not so good news, I tend to go into denial for a day or two or fifty.

    Straight From Hel

  7. Thank you, sweetie. I hope you feel all our support while you're getting tested and that it turns out to be nothing. Take care.

  8. Thanks for the shout out, Liza. Hope the doctor's visit news turns out to be nothing.

    BTW, I'm still chuckling 'bout the driveway episode.

  9. Thank you, Liza!! Glad you're keeping a positive attitude about your doctor's appointment. Hope it's nothing too serious.

  10. I see that I didn't post on this yesterday. I did read it. I hope that it turned out well. And thank you so much for the kind words. I don't know where my brain was. I think I read HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY and thought "Egads." This has been a tough week. However, you did get tagged again. I am not as convinced that I did as well as the first time, but I do hope you like it:-)
