Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, 7:18 a.m.

As many of you know, I am obsessed with the view of these boats and suffer from a compulsion to take their pictures--which ratcheted up a few degrees once I discovered that a house near where they are moored has gone on the market. I have no idea who owns these pretty dinghies, so have visited them more lately, understanding that if someday I stroll down the hill and they've disappeared, my little world will be a less pretty place. In light of this, you get a sampling from today, taken with my daughter's Cannon PowerShot pocket camera during a 3.2 mile walk.

I promised myself that I'd focus (no pun intended) on a project other than Middle Passages this week, which come to think of it, hovers dangerously close to the obsession line too. So today, in place of a full MP post, you get these.

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  1. As far as I'm concerned, you can't take (or share) too many pictures of pretty little wooden boats...I love the one with the--what is that--a cormorant?

  2. The pictures did turn out beautifully. I almost hate to say this since you are taking a break ~ or trying to ~ but I left you a little something on my page yesterday. Oh dear...

  3. Those photos convey such a feeling of peaceful repose. We all need that.

  4. I love these photos. I don't get tired of them. Imagine who left the boat floating someone asleep inside them? All sorts of thoughts pop into my mind!

  5. those,,a most relaxing thought..

  6. Very serene. I like the pic of the bird (heron??) in the boat. Hope he's not leaving a mess.

    Stephen Tremp

  7. Hey, did you notice you hit 100 followers?

  8. Oh Alex...I'm one off. Some how I accidentally followed the true number is 99. Any idea how I "unfollow" me?

  9. Oh and Bridget, yes, it's a cormorant. Shortly after that picture he dove into the water and disappeared...causing ripples in several subsequent pictures.

  10. I love when you post these pictures. They're like mini retreats.

  11. Gorgeous pictures! I want to be there right now... Sigh :)

  12. These images are so placid and serene, I feel like plopping down in front of my computer with a coupla home-baked bread sandwiches and a frosty tankard of sunyellow lemonade.

    Of course my office mates would give me a funny look, but who cares, right?! Love the pics. Keep 'em coming!

  13. boats....*sigh* I LOVe boats. More boats more more more :)

  14. Someone up above me said these pictures are like "mini retreats" - that is a very accurate depiction. They just immediately bring peacefulness to mind - thank you for sharing your obsession with us, it has made all of us a little obsessed with these two boats too. I sincerely hope you don't lose them when that house is sold!

    Any word on the strange bird sounds yet Gladys? We're all obsessed about that too! :)

  15. It's a good obsession and one I won't try to get you to break since I love the pictures!

  16. very beautiful. i esp. loved the photo with the bird.

  17. Beautiful photographs! And guess what? I'm your 101st follower. Robin matched us up in her blog hopping activity.

    Take care. Nice to meet you.

  18. I'd be obsessed too. Those pictures are knock-out beautiful!

  19. Lovely pictures. I felt myself relax a bit more with each one I viewed.
