Monday, October 11, 2010

Above the Trees

Happy Columbus Day all. I have to work today, but I'm taking a blog holiday. This photo is from a Saturday climb to the top of a huge granite slab above our harbor.  The plan was to capture some good foliage shots, but Autumn's hints remain subtle right now--unless you check out the red tree behind that scenic house.
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  1. Pretty picture! Enjoy your day even though you have to work!

  2. That is still an awesome shot--maybe you'll be able to go back at peak color?

  3. i am trying to decide which is more fascinating, your pics or writing,,, now aint that a dilemma for me to wrestle with,,lol. very nice,,,

  4. Breathtaking! Wow. Thanks for posting. It's so beautiful!

  5. gorgeous shot! I moved to PA at the end of last year and I'm LOVING the colors :) Nothing like the east coast for some incredible fall scenery :)

  6. Lovely photo. We're not getting much change around here, but I'm still hopeful.

  7. Great photo even without the fall colors.

  8. Love the photo, we're still green and lush here but the temps are dropping so just as soon as we get a frost Fall will get here

  9. Awesome pics. I love autumn. By far my favorite season.

    Stephen Tremp

  10. You sure have some pretty sights around where you live.

    Tossing It Out

  11. Beautiful pic.

    I love the eastern seaboard this time of year. I spent a year and a half living in Maine, hopscotched around Maryland and Virginia and environs, and the one thing I miss the most is the trees.

    Why do I feel the sudden desire to go cook up a big pot of clam chowda? :D

  12. So beautiful! I miss New England so much this time of year!
