Friday, October 1, 2010

Rest Your Eyes

Can I tell you that I have probably driven by this house 500 times in the eighteen years that we have lived in our home and never noticed it before?  The operative word in that first sentence is "driven"-- the other day, I happened to be on foot.  At street level, you see a closed garage, you have to look far above that to notice a long front porch that gazes out over the small boats moored in the calm water at the back of the harbor.  I stood across the street for several minutes, focusing and refocusing, trying for a shot of flowing greenery spilling from the planters attached to the railings when thankfully, I looked to the left--and gave up on the porch and went right for this fairy garden. 

Happy Friday all.

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  1. Sometimes we zip by so fast we miss the details.

  2. Oh my. So enticing. Sometimes hubby and I go for drives on back roads. People get annoyed with us cause we drive at 45 MPH when the speed limit is 60. (We pull over to let them pass) But the point is, in slowing down, we see so much more of those familiar roads than when in a rush to get from point A to point B.

  3. That's one thing I'm looking forward to about moving back to New England--those scences are not so rare as they are here. Or maybe it's just that I don't get out much...

  4. That looks like a dream house! I have one in my neighborhood too. So cute and enchanting.

  5. it's interesting how things will sometimes "jump out" at us that have been there all along.

  6. I know I miss a lot when I drive. I just don't feel safe with my eyes being on everything but the road. You got an awesome picture. It totally made the walk worthwhile!

  7. there is always a house of mystery and beauty. vey enticing. rose
