Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Tasty Read: Feeding a Yen by Calvin Trillin

Hi all.

Today's blog post is here.


  1. excellent article and I think I'll have to get that book - I've read him here and there and I like this notion...

  2. Okay, I have to click over, just to find out what a Yen is and what to feed the little fella.

  3. I didn't see a way to comment there, so I came back here. That book sounds like a fun read. I'm putting it on my Christmas list for a foodie friend.

  4. Great review, Liza! You not only piqued my curiosity to the point where I feel the need to read this book; I now know what I'm having for dinner one night this week. Pan Bagnat! It's a favorite that I haven't made in years and now I'm craving it!

    I so enjoy all of your posts, but being the food lover that I am I always look forward to the pieces you do for SSL!

    Have a great rest of the week!
    ~Mrs B

  5. That sounds like a delicious and fun read!

  6. Yummmmmmm! I have to get this one. This has got to be a most wonderful, mouthwatering read. :-)
