Wednesday, June 1, 2011

At this Moment

I love the promises June delivers along with the purple Dutch iris petals it unfurls on the first day of the month. June assures us that we will sleep with open windows; that we’ll close our eyes to the ratcheting croak of tree frogs and wake bleary-eyed at dawn to a chorale of robins, blue jays and wrens. June vows that the air will dabble like soft paint brushes and that even if it rains, we’ll jam our feet into flip flops–no socks required. It pledges short sleeve mornings, coffee on the patio—newness that unwraps like a gift. The calendar says late spring, but June turns the page and broadcasts summer with showy rhododendron blooms, screaming blue skies, and gardens that plump and swell.

I look out the window to Kelly green grass, to the birds swooping over the back, to the almost drained hummingbird feeder, filled to the brim two days ago, and know we are on the cusp of all that is good, all that is right, all that I wait for.


  1. We are having the best spring flower year here in the Northeast. I think it must be all that rain.

  2. Those Irises are gorgeous - you've truly captured the essence of spring. After the winter we all had, this blaze of beauty is truly appreciated.

  3. The symphony of summer! Such a wonderful composition. I'd love to join you on the patio...flip flops, coffee, even rain.

  4. Who can resist the sweet promise of spring. Wish I could be there, too.

  5. Wish that was our June - we had that weather two months ago.

  6. Lovely picture. It sounds like the start of a lovely Spring there. Here, it's already hot. We've been hitting the high 90s for a while now. But it's still a great time of year. The garden's growing. We picked some blackberries yesterday - they're almost ripe!

  7. Beautifully said, Liza! And what a vibrant picture to go with your words.

  8. Gorgeous photo and words, Liza. I love waking to a chorus of birds, happy it's spring.

  9. So so pretty. You make June seem like the most perfect month. I want to curl up in June now.

  10. We had a cold snap last week, but I'm happy nonetheless. Winter in Japan with it's un-insulated houses is not fun.

  11. I'm am so savoring this summer too Liza! It seems the flowers are enormous (and prolific) this year.
