Monday, October 14, 2013

Past Peak

I give some of my photos to a non-profit sometimes.  They use local pictures on the front of birthday cards they send out to seniors in town.  Mostly, when they need images, I pull things I’ve captured over the course of the year from my files but this time, they asked for specific locations, and early last Saturday I went out, camera in hand.  That trip opened my eyes to fall and the idea that the year is slipping away.  This week, evidence of its waning has arrived in a jumble of tree debris blanketing our yard.  

The orange tree I photographed last week now stands naked, a rumpled skirt piled around its roots.   Everywhere, it’s snowing leaves.  Almost before I caught them,  the vibrant colors of autumn gave way to gold and taupe, except for the oaks that will cling to green until November frosts force them to brown and let go.  Last week there were pops of color everywhere. 


 Today, the bare fingered trunks lining the pond down the street mirror water that’s steel grey.

This weekend, we cut back tomato plants and stacked wood.  The boat came out of the water.  Pignuts and acorns ping off the gutters and pop under tires as we exit the driveway.  In the woods, a carpet of yellow needles pads the ground, muffling our footsteps.  As I cut dead flowers in the garden, one lone cricket offered a muted chirp, as if inviting us into the quiet.  Reminding us that nature's quiet time is coming.  Preparing us for the winding down.


  1. LOVE both those pictures -- the orange tree standing out, the smooth whiteness of the rock within the dark reflection of the trees, surrounded by the matching whiteness of the water. I think I like the second one best, just for that complex layering of color.

  2. There really isn't anything like autumn in New England. I have such mixed feelings about this time of year ... so sad to cut away the dead, but spring will come again...

    Your photography is just lovely, as always. :)

  3. These are beautiful pics!! Such vivid autumnal colours! Awwww little yay for that lone cricket! Take care

  4. I miss fall in New England. Down here we get very few pops, then the monsoons come and everything is gone to brown.

    I didn't really think about it until just now, but I really enjoy the color orange.

  5. We're just starting to change.
    Those are some beautiful photos. Very nice of you to donate them for the cards.

  6. Change is in the air. I like the cooler weather. It feels slower and softer.

  7. I've been jogging through the acorns and walnuts the past few weeks. Our tomato plants are getting ready to be done also.

  8. The pictures are gorgeous - I can see why you sell them! I love that vivid tree...

  9. Beautiful fall pics! The trees around here(IN) just aren't turning yet. Or falling- which is fine w/me. Raking. Bah!

  10. photograph has a way of giving us a fresh view of the world. Your photography is beautiful.
