Monday, August 8, 2016

One Word Photo Caption

What does this photo mean to you? Choose one word. I'd love to hear your thoughts...


  1. Success.

    I often think that's what it looks like. We expect fireworks and hand grenades when it's simply a quiet perseverance.

  2. Life!

    It pops up in the most unlikely places. :)

  3. Bish grabbed my first choice, but..."Beauty"
    ...both in things that or hard as well as gentle...

  4. Hope!

    Even when we are faced with difficult challenges, we still have hope for happiness. We still have a chance to overcome our struggles.

  5. Hi Liza - Blooming ........ come hell or highwater, or even a rock face! Cheers - gorgeous colour too ... Hilary

  6. Darn, that's the problem with coming late to the party. I looked at the picture and a word immediately popped into my head... but oops! Somebody used it. Pick another word, and then, OOPS! Same thing.

    Okay, so I'll go in a slightly different direction. How about serendipity? As in, while looking for a rock... you actually stumbled upon a delicate flower...?

    As Arnie, said, "I'll be Bach." (To see your story on Monday.)
