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Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Week in Review (14)

Things I have learned:

In a world where you can scarcely trust anyone, it’s hard to find a more pure display of optimism than plants for sale next to an untended cash box requesting “the honor system.” “Small print” offering to take plants in trade compounds the hopefulness.

A bird singing “chirill, chirill” outside your bedroom window at 6:17 on a Saturday morning is infinitely more palatable then waking to an alarm at 5:45 on a Friday.

When you finally make it to this week’s yard sale and purchase purple and yellow daylilies, Lysimachia and Valerian at a third of the nursery price, you may consider yourself victorious. By reluctantly leaving the homemade strawberry rhubarb pies for others to purchase, you get to call yourself virtuous too.

Trustful commerce may be disguised as art. A third swing by to investigate last weekend’s “pocketbook totem pole” that leads to the discovery that it is empty because there is also an “honor system” box placed below, is enough to make one practically swoon with joy at the faith in humanity it demonstrates.

At a "casual dress" band performance, the music teacher's requirement that the attire be uniform in color (white tops and kaki bottoms) makes a high school band look more professional. Upon discovering that the host school has an everyday dress code, (black tops and kaki bottoms), parent- chaperones and teachers will all sigh in envy. White shirted kids though, will be horrified.

As a mom, you’ll secretly thank God when the most frightening ride at a theme park is closed for repairs, but riding home down traffic filled major highways in an open windowed school bus next to a steady stream of tractor-trailers rigs might be the scariest ride yet.

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