Friday, November 12, 2010

Late Bloom

There we were, after three-days of wind driven rain, an hour north of home in a town where we expected to see autumn themed window boxes filled with leaf-litter from the storm.

Then we rounded a walkway to a protected brick sidewalk and found this--a blossoming rhododendron.  For those of you unfamiliar with our New England climate, check out the naked trees behind the bush.  November is a time of bare limbs, greys, bronzes and golds...never pink.  This variety of rhodie, a PJM, I believe, typically blooms in late April.  There we were though, on November 11, 2010, Vetrans' Day...and this guy was bursting with buds and soft petaled flowers.

It's a reminder, I think, to keep our eyes open.  Unexpected gifts and second blooms could be around any corner.

Happy Friday to all.  Enjoy your weekend.
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  1. It is refreshing to see things that make you grin. I look into the "surprise box" every morning. lol .. Lookee herree what I found ,,that's what i say just about everymorning (your posts are always fun to read)...

  2. Amen! There truly are unexpected gifts that will pop up anywhere, anytime!

  3. full bloom in july

    mission zeero to hearo

    waite and see the singing garden

  4. What a sweet gift when you weren't expecting it! I love how green those waxy leave are next to the pink.

  5. That's a beautiful bush - and very big. Just suddenly finding that would put a smile on my face!

  6. Oh my gosh! I wish my rhododendron looked that!

  7. Man, mine looks nothing like that right now...

    Neal Kristopher

  8. Finding the flowers in fields of grey is one of your special gifts! Thanks for sharing the photos. I had forgotten how much I miss the Rhododendrons. They just don't grow in the south.

  9. Beautiful and well said.
    Mary Montague Sikes has stopped by my blog with her blog book tour. Nancy N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  10. This fall's weather has indeed been a gift!
    Here this week my kids are heading to school in short sleeved shirts in the Midwest!

  11. Don't you just love it when something so totally unexpected lands in your path? I looked down our street yesterday and there was not a leaf left on a tree. It made me a little sad. Seeing this made me remember that there is still a great deal of beauty as winter is approaching. You just have to look for it.

    Lovely post! Have a fantastic weekend!


  12. Liza, Just remembered that I hadn't joined up as a follower here because GFC wasn't cooperating that day. You've been on my blog list for a while now and I just assumed that I'd done it. Oh well! I'm there now! ;~)


  13. So, so lovely.

    Thank you for sharing that little bit of spring in November with me. My soul needed it.

  14. Lovely photos, Liza. Unbelievable. If we look, we can find so much. Thanks for the reminder. Our farm is stark right now, except for the flowers out in the front yard. Yesterday I noticed how lovely they were in the midst of all the cold. Nice isn't it? :)

  15. Oh, how beautiful, and such a nice surprise! :)

    Very well said!

  16. What a lovely thought. And that's a cool name for a plant. Like a math puzzle.

  17. This time of year is always a little bit depressing - the leaves collecting on the pavements make for a pretty treacherous journey from work to the bus stop.

    But I believe even the bare trees can have beauty in them, and on those few days when the air isn't quite as damp and the wind is up, the waves of orange, brown and red leaves can be quite fascinating.

  18. One just needs to be aware of their surroundings to see all the blessings of life. Stop, look, and listen. Works for me every time.
