Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Snapshot

I knew I was in trouble when I got up at 5:45 and still had nothing planned for Middle Passages today.  Sometimes that's just how it goes.   Anywhooo, I scrolled through saved photos and found this picture that I took of the pond down the street in September.  I was going for the mirror effect, but that darn fisherman kept paddling his canoe. The colors put me in mind of a box of postcards my grandmother saved over the years.  Does anyone sent them anymore?  Her collection, long gone now,  had aged some, yellowed some, looked dated and unreal--like this picture, though it is only about six weeks old.  Pulling this up reminded me of a post I wrote last year after capturing a photo of the pond during a "sea smoke" morning.  If you'd like a November view and my favorite of this rock, click here:
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  1. I miss New England. That's so not like what I see here.

  2. thnx for allowing me to "explode" this shot onto my computer screen,,sit on that rock and finish my second cup of coffee...

  3. Breathtaking. I think if I had this type of scenery all around me I might be a bit more still:)

  4. Gorgeous photo, Liza. I'd love to be paddling that canoe or taking that picture. It's a scene worth being in.

  5. Beautiful pictures both. I think the mirror effect works even with the fisherman.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  6. That's a great picture, even with the fisherman ruining the mirror effect!

  7. Beautiful! Looks just like parts of Northern Ontario. And the fisherman just gives me a perfect point of reference as to where I'd like to be right now in that landscape. :)

  8. Lovely pictures. Found you on Over 40 bloggers and will come back for the eye candy for sure. My passion is writing, but my picture-taking skills resemble that of a 2nd Grader, I fear. Just bought a new camera, and working on learning to use it. It's a point and shoot Nicon, but does have some cool features this rookie never even heard of. Anyways, love your blog!

  9. Ahh--how did I miss this yesterday! Beautiful photo! And I feel you on the down to the wire posting. Welcome to my life. One day I will get on top of my blog, but not today.

  10. Absolutely fabulous photo. It does look like an old postcard. The colours are so vivid. You are a dab hand at the photography that is for sure!

  11. This photo is so sharp and vivid. It's amazing.
    I used to collect postcards. Still have them packed away somewhere-- at least I hope I do.

    Tossing It Out

  12. love the photo. very beautiful colors. thanks rose
