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Monday, April 16, 2012

Excuses, Excuses

I’ve been around…

An appointment required a change in schedule, so on a day I was supposed to be working, I did what I needed to do…and then toured a town about twenty miles south of me, where I haven’t been for probably fifteen years.  The wooden bridge to the pristine barrier beach that is claimed by town residents in the summer is, I’m guessing, approximately a half mile long.

Duxbury Beach

Powder Point Bridge

Let's just say, even though the visit to the beach was rejuvenating, the appointment earlier wasn’t fun and I slogged home feeling a little low.  But when I got there, I found an email with a writing assignment waiting for me…a feature article on the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area…and so since then, I’ve been here…

View of the city from Webb State Park

And here…

The view from Nut Island.  It was a little hazy, so the image isn't that clear...

And I have no complaints.

Happy Monday all!


Jennifer Shirk said...

Nice! We used to live in Swampscott and would see that Boston skyline in the distance.

Anne Gallagher said...

Being it away for so long, I forget how big the ocean really is.

Old Kitty said...

Glad you are ending the day on a happier note!! Good for you! Take care

Bish Denham said...

How nice that you got an assignment! The beach photos are beautiful.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wow, congratulations on the assignment!

Kittie Howard said...

Gosh, what an interesting post. Hub's from Manchester, and the many times we've either been thru or visited Boston, I had no idea about these barrier islands. Do you know when your piece is going to be published (as I'd love to read it).

And thanks for that prayer. It meant a lot. And a prayer of thanksgiving for your day that ended well.

glnroz said...

you never complain...beats me on how you do it...lol

Kittie Howard said...

Although I was sad to hear about your little beach, the good news is that there is more awareness now -- and a louder voice that speaks up. But, like you, I crack one eye and wonder. . . .

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Oh wow, those photos are gorgeous! I especially love the first one.

Carol Kilgore said...

I wouldn't have any complaints either :)