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Monday, April 28, 2014

A Working Antique

I work in an antique building situated on our town common, at least until we move to a shiny, spanking new building a quarter of a mile away, which is slated to happen after the first of the year. 

Our current office used to be a house, and it’s got to be at least two hundred years old, complete with heat you can’t turn off, occasional mice infestations, and the staccato cadence of the apartment dwellers who live overhead.  But it sure is pretty. The common itself is a historic district.  If you live in one of the homes there, you can’t modify it without permission, you can only paint the exterior with certain colors.  Every day I park my car in front of Meeting House Pond, and on mornings when the wind is still, I catch reflections of First Parish Church (the old Meeting House), or the town hall rippling top of the water. 

I’m a little like Cinderella most mornings, the clock on the common is chiming the hour when I pull up, and I scamper across the street trying to get through the door before it stops.  But there are days the clock finishes before I cross the street, because I have to fish in my purse for my I-phone and take yet another a picture of a scene that’s been the same for hundreds of years. I know I've posted similar photos here before, so please bear with me.  No matter how many times I capture it, it hits me every time.

Stunning a view as it is, working in the historical district means there’s no cell tower near, which guarantees lousy phone service.  When we need to take or make personal calls with our cells, we have to walk outside, plug one ear against the traffic rumbling by and shout into the phone.  I was doing that one morning last week when I looked out to something unexpected.  Usually the pond is populated with ducks.  

A photo op for me, but bad news for the goldfish.  Gosh, I’m going to miss this when we move.


Sue said...

I love seeing your photos Liza, the reflections are beautiful - I expect the bare trees will soon be covered in rustling leaves and birds will begin to nest. cheers. Sue

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What a beautiful area to work in. I bet you won't miss the mice though.

Bish Denham said...

I hear you. There's something about a view, no matter how *simple* it may be, that soothes the heart and soul.

Robin said...

Historical districts are just gorgeous. It feels a bit like stepping back in time. Love your pics!

Leandra Wallace said...

Wow, such a picturesque place to work! A bit jealous, the bank I work at is on the end of a gas station. You can imagine how pretty that is... ;) Lol!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

What a beautiful setting to work in. Good things and bad about both locations, I guess.

mshatch said...

I love old houses and I dream of owning one - but they do have their drawbacks!

Cool visitor :)

debi o'neille said...

Oh my. No wonder you take more than one photo of the same place. How beautiful! Breathtaking.
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

Arlee Bird said...

That's a beautiful looking area. I like old buildings. It's better to use them when they are kept up. Don't like the idea of mice infestations. But old buildings should be maintained and I'd rather see more of that than more new modern buildings.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

klahanie said...

Hi Liza,

What a magnificent location. There's a most tranquil aura emanating from your photos.

Somewhat reminiscent of where I live in England. Very nice, indeed.

Do you have your own glass slippers?

Gary :)