Monday, January 17, 2011

If at First you don't Succeed. . .

. . . try another sunrise.

Saturday morning at 6:35, a tap, tap tap on the shoulder wakes me. Aware of Friday's sunrise photography attempt, my husband points out the window.  The sky glows orange and pink through the trees, but it's a seven minute drive to the harbor.  Darn.

Sunday, I don't give it a thought.  Today though, since it's MLK Day. . . it isn't necessary to make breakfast or a school lunch.  So I get an extra half-hour of sleep and still have enough time to hop into the car to try for these.  It is cold as you-know-what out there, but the views are worth the frozen fingertips.

Happy Monday folks.

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Hope you all have a great week.


  1. Oh, very nice! Thanks for sharing your sunrise with us!

  2. Those are gorgeous pictures! A lovely thing to see on a such a dreary morning (where I am, at least!)

  3. happy Monday and the rest of the week too.. great shots..

  4. Lovely! Liza, these pictures are AMAZINGLY AWESOME! The views were definitely worth the frozen fingertips. You rawk, sista! :)

  5. Lovely photos. My favorite features the tree in winter garb. I love winter trees!

  6. Those are nice! Really like the second one.

  7. Just lovely, Liza. Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. It's lovely, but yes it does look very cold!

  9. beautiful photos Liza. Cold, but beautiful!

  10. Sunrise/sunset, you get miss with pictures of them. These are fantastic!

  11. It is gorgeous, but it makes me shiver. Brrrrr.

  12. How nice of you to share. These are beautiful. Love the pink with winter tree, swing and white house. What a contrast.
    Especially nice to see since I am a nightowl and never see the sunrise.

  13. So subtle and lovely--moments frozen in time. I'd say it's worth cold fingers (although I didn't have to suffer them!)

  14. How beautiful and inspiring for the start of the week! Thanks for sharing :)

  15. I can almost feel the cold, but I'm grateful you braved it for our sakes! Beautiful.

  16. Pretty pictures! I like the one with the house. Did you catch the moon this morning? Thought of you when I saw it.

  17. Nice pics ... I love sunrises over cold places. Weird, I know. But the coffee and breakfast at Denny's is so much better.

  18. thank you for freezing your fingertips to get these images for us; they are stunning. You can almost touch the stillness, serenity. And I'd never be out of bed early enough to catch them!
