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Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Week in Review (3)

Things I have learned:

In the winter, there is very little you can’t do as long as you dress for it.

“I won’t…” is a difficult phrase. But if you put “In a perfect world” in front of it, you may actually get somewhere.

When you are networking, it’s not the overburdened recruiter who is going to see your resume. As a corporate recruiter, I hated when people went around me. As a career changer, doing that very thing may be my salvation.

When you are “analyzing your assets in order to determine what to pursue next in your career” it’s important to recreate the tools and resources that were a part of corporate life in order keep yourself organized.

A slight disruption while medical insurance transitions to COBRA may feel like a punishment. It seems personal but it’s not and you need to get over it.

Crampons should be required attire for anyone who lives in New England.

Making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with your daughter on a Friday afternoon is a proverbial small slice of heaven.

Eating them is a bigger slice.

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