Ok, I’ve brushed off the crumbs. In addition to that accomplishment, yesterday, my 40th follower signed on. Thank you, Mary Anne. All these posts later, I am still questioning my writing skill, aware of how much more there is to learn, taking baby steps to get there. The slow boat works best for me, and yet I do long to be closer to shore. So when someone with a blog I’m unfamiliar with throws me a life jacket, it takes away the seasick feeling and things become, shall we say, less squishy inside? At a minimum that’s worth a cup of hot cocoa, the Ghirardelli kind, made with milk. Or, if you want, you can try this recipe (it comes out a little chunky at the bottom but it is out-of-this-world rich.)
Hot Cocoa
2 Tbsp sugar
½ tsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
Dash of salt
1 cup milk
¼ tsp vanilla extract
Mix sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and salt in a large mug. In a separate container, heat milk on high (100% power) 1-1/2-2 minutes in the microwave. Pour hot milk slowly into dry mixture, stirring thoroughly.
Yum. Sorry for the digression, but I feel a sugar high coming on because there is one more thing to celebrate. Yesterday, I scraped the bottom of the creative writing barrel, so I forced myself to slog through the swamp and fog of a forced time write that felt like crawling through glue. After the fact, the old attitude took a nose dive, which I am pleased to announce, changed direction when I received a “lovely” surprise. Diana, over at Writing Roller Coasters, gave me an award! Diana, your timing is impeccable. On to the bag of mini-chocolate chips--hey, we're celebrating, remember?

The rules upon acceptance of Diane's award are to link the person who awarded you, then find up to fifteen new blogs and link them in your own blog. I don’t have fifteen new writers that I’ve been reading and learning from, but I have a few. And, yes, I happen to be a rule follower, but that said, I hereby absolve everyone below from following the rules…unless of course, you want to.
Bridget at J.B. Chicoine-Aspiring Novelist. She may be self taught, but she’s also teaching me.
Rae, at Us in Tejas. Not only did Rae grow up reading ALL of my favorites, Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, Nancy Drew, The Little Princess, but she also read Trixie Belden!!! I thought I was the only one in the world who loved Trixie and Honey and Mark and Brian and Diane. Oh and don't forget redheaded Jim! Rae, you are my soul sister! Do you think Trixie and Jim ever ended up together?
Kristi at R.A.W. Random Acts of Writing is new for me. She’s made me laugh this week. Kudos to Kristi.
The WM Freelance Connection earned my “follow” because I’m in the process of developing my own freelance business. However, much of the information there will help all writers. Give it a try. (Shameless plug here: please click on my website link above and forward it to your business acquaintances.)
Tricia over at Tailspinning, is a wonderful read, although she’s already well known to many of you. I am secretly envious of her WIP which takes place in the sea. Tricia believes in signs from the universe; right now hers are seashells and that’s enough for me.
Thank you again Diana for helping me finish the week on a high note—what a fun party.
Um, has anyone seen the Rolaids?
Liza, what a nice surprise; thank you for the kind words and for thinking of me with this award. And congrats to you! I'm the world's worst rule follower. ;)
PS: I love your sky photo earlier this month. I'm a great fan of dynamic skies.
That’s a lovely award, Liz! Thank you.
I’m so glad you absolved me of the rules, which I will follow to a certain extent and at some time in the undisclosed future!
Now it's time to go make hot chocolate...
Congrats on the award, good lady! Nothing like a little boost to lift us out of the Thursday doldrums, no?
And for some reason, I'm craving sweets right now... :)
Happy 250th! LOL
I'm honored to be your 40th Follower! But I see you're already on your way past that number. And I'm sure there will be many many more!
Congratulations to the new award winners, as well! I'm going to go visit them all now.
Thank you Liza!! How cool, I've always admired that award. :0) I'm glad I could make you smile this week. We all need that once in a while.
As for Trixie Belden...OMG, I thought I was the only one!!!! :0) Loved, loved loved Trixie!!
You are very deserving of that award and you ARE are writer already...
This made me laugh so hard! I know all about being a Trixie girl in a world of Nancys! (And thank you so much!)
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