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Monday, July 13, 2015

Summer Snippet

In the middle of February, when we were surrounded by towering snow banks and the weatherman predicted yet another storm to add to our record breaking winter, it was hard to imagine summer would ever arrive.  Long after the snow melted, I longed for snippets, moments when I could take a deep breath and say, “Yes.  This is what I’ve been waiting for.”  I confess, circumstances conspired to get me off to a slow start, but here is one. 

My husband, on vacation Friday, suggested we go out to lunch when I got off work at noon.  The morning had been grey after an overnight rain, but a smidgen of sun offered  hope. We drove toward one of our regular haunts until, spur-of-the- moment, we decided to try something new—a brew pub on the bay, one town over we’d heard of for years, but never tried. The sun broke all the way through the clouds by the time we arrived.  The seats on the outdoor patio were dry.   

Deep breath taken.  Friday afternoon.  A pint of beer, and an order of fish tacos overlooking the Boston Harbor Islands. 
Yep, we’ll be back.


Jan Morrison said...

Beautiful snippet! This is my first July in Labrador and I have to say - so far - it sucks! Cold and wet everyday. Now, I'm told that it is usually lovely - warm long days, lots of bugs (mosquitoes, blackflies and stouts) but also lots of berries and we live right on the beach. So far - rain and cold. I wore a jacket to work this morning. Ah well, summer is short and winter is long and that's all there is to it. Thanks for sharing your morsel!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What could be better than that?

mshatch said...

Oh I love eating al fresco - especially by the sea :)

Bish Denham said...

Ooooo, I could go for that! Nice spot. Isn't it fun to find a place you've heard about and it turns out to be nice?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

It looks lovely. Though we've had way too much rain, I'm enjoying summer every hot minute.
Susan Says

Pixel Peeper said...

Yes, fish tacos!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

What a pretty picture. I'd like to stop there also. Enjoy your sunny, warm weather.

Gail said...

It's always good to have some special time together.

Joanne said...

cheers to a lovely snippet and a what the heck wing-it moment. Glad you had a "date" that turned out so nice

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Sounds like the perfect outing... good weather, good scenery, the afternoon off, and your sweetie sitting across from you.

Happy weekend!

Connie said...

That sounds perfectly lovely!

Searching for the Story said...

That looks absolutely lovely. It's been a cool enough summer down here in Virginia (a few days excepted in a big way), so I can only imagine what it's been like up your way.

Pet said...

Another inspiring idea! You both are brave people!