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Monday, October 5, 2015

Storm Chasing

The potential of wind-driven rain led us to formulate a backup plan to a scheduled trip to Maine for apple picking this weekend. When Saturday dawned with a gale blowing sideways off the ocean, we cancelled that too. So, rather than a Saturday lunch in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, we puttered at home, changing over closets, cleaning up the basement.   

Sunday, the rain stopped. I swept up five, five-gallon buckets-worth of acorns from the patio and collected a pile of fallen branches to use for kindling. Wind from the outskirts of Hurricane Joaquin, far out at sea, but destined to affect us to some degree Monday, will necessitate a repeat of these activities soon.  

By mid-afternoon, cleanup was over and I got out with the camera.  Made it all worth it somehow.

Since writing this post, I've learned of all the damaging flooding down south.  Wishing all of you in the storm areas safety...and fast receding waters.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wow, look at those waves!
Yeah, the hurricane is wrecking havoc along our coastline with the feeder clouds filled with rain.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

lllllllotttttttsssssss of rain

Joanne said...

wicked pics. I have a niece in Charleston. She's a teacher and no school Fri or now today. I'm happy we had plenty of rain in Philly but now it's clear for me to fly back to TX. Take care and hope you can do your fun jaunt next weekend.

mshatch said...

We haven't seen anything up here in Maine yet that I know of. Maybe we'll get some wave action today. If you come up to Maine this weekend, the Pumpkinfest is going on in Damariscotta and Biscay Orchards is just around the corner...

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Those pics are amazing - wild and fierce.

Jan Morrison said...

Fabulous photos and I'm so glad you don't wallow when plans are changed - instead you make it a good time.

Bish Denham said...

I love how the ocean can change in color and texture and feel. But when it's "angry" like these pictures show, I'm always glad I'm not on it.

I feel for the people in the Carolinas... Terrible flooding.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Wow, what a beautiful, stormy sea. We have family in Myrtle Beach and they've had some problems but they're not in the worst of it.

Gail said...

What beauty!!!!

Pixel Peeper said...

Very moody pictures! The sea was angry that day...

It must be the time of year to go visit Maine. One friend has just come back from vacation there, and two friends are up there this week.

We used to live in South Carolina. The pictures of all the flooding, posted on Facebook by friends and former co-workers, are just awful. You never realize how fierce running water can be until you see it in a flood like that. Hope you won't get this kind of weather!

Terri Tiffany said...

Your photos are wonderful!!!!

Pet said...

That's a pretty rough sea! To enjoy from the distance.