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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Day Late...Only Fifty Cents Short

I was all teed up Sunday, ready to go out with the rest of the world and get pictures of the super moon, but some reason, I didn’t.  It might have been because the actual full moon was Monday night, but still.  A photographer acquaintance of mine had advised me that Sunday, the moon would rise early enough that a fair amount of light would remain before sunset, allowing for good shots. Then, all of a sudden, it was 4:45 pm on Sunday, my sister-in-law was texting me to go outside and see the moon, and all I got was scraps of it rising through the trees.

Which was why I headed out an hour-and-a-half earlier than I needed to Monday to scout locations, while crossing my fingers enough light would remain at moonrise, an hour later than the day before.  I don’t have one of those moonrise best-place-to-be GPS apps on my phone. So, based on a stunning picture someone posted from Sunday night, I took a stab as to where I might get a shot of the moon rising over Minot Lighthouse. 

My first clue that I was wrong place, wrong time occurred when no one else showed up with a camera.  Still, I positioned my tripod, framed the image I wanted, took some test shots, and waited. Then I waited some more.  Finally, about ten minutes before moonrise, a group of people gathered on the beach.  Just enough light remained for me to feel stupid uneasy, when I realized they weren’t looking toward the lighthouse at all.

Thankfully, this girl can take a hint.  I kept scanning the horizon, and just on time, a red thumbnail appeared at about a 45 degree angle beyond where I’d focused the camera.  Oops.  After a bit of a scramble, I got a few photos.  It was too dark.  What I caught with the camera says nothing about what I caught with my eyes.  

Nevertheless, a mild afternoon by the ocean, witnessing a mirror-still low-tide is a blessing.  Award-winning moonshot or not.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Better to enjoy it through your eyes than through a lens.

Joanne said...

I'd say the outdoor adventure was worth it. You might not be thrilled with your pics, but I really like them and you saw more super moon and lovely scenery than me. Inhale fresh sea air for me the next time you go out. I'm so landlocked - very sad

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry you didn't get a great shot of the moon, but those others are impressive.

Nicola said...

Really beautiful pictures, even if the moon didn't play nicely. Thank you for sharing.

Yvonne Osborne said...

The super moon on Monday wasn't so super here because of cloud cover. It was good on Sunday, the rising and the setting in particular but I don't have a good enough camera to do the moon in any phase justice, as you have.

Connie said...

Even if you didn't get the shots you wanted, the ones you did get are lovely. The time enjoying nature was well-spent, I'm sure.

Pixel Peeper said...

I didn't get a shot of the moon either...Sunday night we were driving in the car when it came up and looked oh so photogenic. By the time we came home, and then on Monday, it was too cloudy. Oh well. I'm enjoying the photos my friends and talented strangers got. I even enjoyed the photo that made the rounds on Facebook, where someone had attached a large burrito shell to a window and called it "supermoon."

Love your photos, especially the third one, the symphony in blue.

Robin said...

There is a line in the Van Want song Help Somebody that goes: If you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans.

I thought of that while reading this post. We plan and plan and plan. And still... I think the fact that you turned lemons into lemonade (so to speak) says it all. Good for you! As always, you caught some lovely shots.

Robin said...

Van Zant. Hate autocorrect.

mshatch said...

Awesome pics as always, and that lighthouse kills me every time.

Empty Nester said...

Well, you did way better than I! I got the moon but no one could tell because all you can see is a blurry round thing.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I couldn't get any special shots of the super moon either. It was too dark which made the moon too bright to get any detail. But my goodness your photos are super amazing. My absolute favorite is the second one. Wow!

Arlee Bird said...

Nice photos nevertheless. I thought about taking some photos, but as is typical with me I didn't. However I did manage to go out to look at that "Super Moon." It was pretty neat, but it didn't look any bigger than it had on some other full moon nights.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Your pictures are lovely. It was cool seeing the moon so close. I hope I'm around for the next one.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I inadvertently ended up at a place that showed the great big moon over twinkling city lights. We were on our way into my son's orchestra performance, though, and it was already completely dark out. So no successful moon shots. It was amazing how much detail was visible, so I'm glad I at least got to see it. Your pics turned out lovely, even if they weren't what you were aiming for.