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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Nope, Nope, Nope, and I Wish


Welcome to IWSG Day. The goal of this blog hop is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a haven for insecure writers of all kinds. IWSG is the brainchild of the amazing and generous  Alex CavanaughThank you to September co-hosts:  Kim Lajevardi, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguirre, Olga Godim, Michelle Wallace, and Louise - Fundy Blue! To find links to other monthly contributors, click here.

This month’s optional question: What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why?

In real life as well as fiction, I stay away from anything that might lead to a sleepless night, which means no horror for me. I write because I love getting lost in other worlds (and words), not to increase my heart rate. Somewhere on this blog I wrote about a summer roommate who wouldn’t leave me alone until I agreed to read Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot. About a third of the way through, I tossed the book across the room. It sat in the corner until we weren’t roommates anymore. As with my reading, so goes my writing.

As for other genres, well, erotica is out, I don’t feel like I have the voice in my head for YA and, being the ultimate panster, it’s unlikely I could write a mystery because that would require making a plan. (In high school I wrote my papers before the required outline since it was the only way I could figure out what to write.) Other than moon-to-earth big picture, I don’t have much of a clue as to where my stories are going until they get there. Once they do, I spend eons editing the the heck out of them, paring them to final form. Not the most efficient way to write, but here we are…

In that regard, I have the utmost admiration for authors of historical fiction. Most recently, I read The Rose Code, by Kate Quinn, whose story portrays British civilians trained to break German military codes during the war. If I dove into something that complex, I doubt I’d resurface from the research, never mind demonstrate the skill to write about it. It takes a lot of organization and confidence to embark on a story with such depth.  

Sometimes, I wish my wiring worked that way.

What would be the most difficult kind of story for you to write?



Leigh Caron said...

Funny story about Salem's Lot. And I too am mostly a pantser but have learned somewhere in the middle of creating the story to organize my thoughts on paper.

Douglas Thomas Greening said...

I can see how writing horror or anything with graphic violence would be a challenge. As writers, I feel like we get into the story we are telling, deeply into it. If reading another writer's work can evoke such a reaction (that poor book), then the horrors of our own minds could certainly be devastating.
Envious of your ability to be a pantser and have the patience to do the editing. My brain is just not letting me go and write; it wants to know what's next!

Thanks for sharing.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I think Salem's Lots is one of King's scariest books, and I still say that after having re-read it a few years ago. :)

There's an old episode of Friends where Rachel and Joey are reading a King book - Cujo, I think? - and they get so freaked out they hide the book in the freezer. :)

Joanne said...

Good post and also it's nice to know what you absolutely couldn't write. I liked the comment about the Friends/King book episode - that made me laugh out loud. I actually think historical fiction could be up my alley - I love stuff based on real life. Sci-fi/fantasy would NOT be my thing - I'm not fascinated by other galaxies, etc. I keep trying Lord of the Rings books/movies and yawn. It's good there's such variety in the world! Be well and keep writing/editing and throw in a pic or two.

Nick Wilford said...

Historical is another one I would struggle with because of the level of detail involved - I'd be terrified of getting something wrong (someone always points it out!)

Jan Morrison said...

I totally get you where horror fiction is concerned. However, I am an absolutely dedicated pantser and I write mysteries, as you know! I tried writing my #2 Nell Munro book by plotting it and I had to toss all 45 thousand words. So there! And Stephen King is also a pantser, just so you know. He says he couldn't possibly plot ahead as it would bore him silly. Of course, the plotting must be done - I just can't do it first. Same amount of time. Elizabeth George writes a book before she writes a book - love her writing to bits but could not do that. Rather take my dog's dinner of a ms and wrangle it into comprehension.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I kept nodding my head in agreement as I read your post. Total agreement from me.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I had to chuckle at your Salem's Lot story. I also made the mistake once of reading a scary story...at night...while I was alone in the house...never again! I like scary stories but only during the daylight hours :P

Fundy Blue said...

I wrote my papers in high school and university the same way as you, Liza I have to write to figure out what I'm writing, and then when I'm done I'll be able to write the outline. We all have to do what works for us. Happy writing in September!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yeah, I don't think I'd get out of the research either.
Never read Salem's Lot but the movie scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. I'd probably laugh at it now.

Damyanti Biswas said...

I can see why writing horror can be challenging. It's pretty funny how you got to read "Salem's Lot". It's amazing how a small memory can create lasting impressions on us :)

Leod Fitz said...

While I do enjoy a good horror, I generally only have the stomach for it if it's short enough to read in an hour. Anything more than that and I just get worn out of feeling terrified.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi Liza,

Like you, I couldn't write HORROR either. Not really into zombies, vampires, etc. I have read some, and I could appreciate it if it is well-written and not sensationalistic. Almost anything else I have written or could write. I was never one for true love stories, but now I have a published short. I like variety in my writing and have enjoyed writing in several genres, including non-fiction, which I never thought I would.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

See, now that's how I am too, Liza. I love to get lost in a story. And this is the reason why I can't read horror. That and being able to sleep at night. Have a beautiful Sunday!