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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Inspiration from Whence it Comes. IWSG December 2023

Welcome to IWSG Day. The goal of this blog hop is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a haven for insecure writers of all kinds. IWSG is the brainchild of Alex CavanaughThank you to December co-hosts C. Lee McKenzie, JQ Rose, Jennifer Lane, and Jacqui Murray  To read posts from other contributors, click here.

December question: Book reviews are for the readers. When you leave a book reviews do you review for the Reader or the Author? Is it about what you liked and enjoyed about your reading experience, or do you critique the author?

The fates have conspired against me in so many ways related to this month's IWSG, not the least of which included blogger taking artistic liberties with my layout. Earlier, a domain change caused Gmail to deliver three draft posts I emailed myself to my junk folder. Before I figured it out I thought I was going crazy. In the end, I decided this was the universe telling me my drafts didn’t add a lot of insight to the topic. It’s been a long time, but instead of answering this month’s question I’m posting a picture.

I’m not a fan of the cold but it offers its own gifts. Late afternoon at the reservoir is where I find them. Sometimes it’s a fiery show. Sometimes it’s a watercolor painting.  Almost always, the trip is worth it.

Wishing you the joy of light and the treasure of loved ones during the holidays.

Do you write online book reviews? How do you feel about them? Has blogger been naughty to you lately? Where do you see your best sunsets?


Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

What a gorgeous photo, Liza! Add your lovely words to it and it would make a wonderful Christmas card. :)

Wishing you all the best in the new year!

J.Q. Rose said...

Your photo widened my world with that beautiful photo taken at the reservoir and your heartfelt words. We don't live near a reservoir, but I have the opportunity to view sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Michigan. In Michigan, once the sun has set, everyone claps and that makes the event even more fun!

Jan Morrison said...

Hello my friend! I was late to the day but I too ignored the question this month. I review books on Goodreads but I usually give everyone five stars. I won't review a book I don't like. Sometimes I just say how much I like it and don't give it stars at all. If it is a debut book or someone who isn't already wildly popular I usually do give it five stars because it really does apparently make a difference. Of late I'm sick of the machinations one has to go through to get likes etc...I'm tired of being an author and am going back to just being a writer. Much funner.

Joanne said...

Ah. You know I always encourage your photography. Glorious.

As for reviews, I try to write my honest opinion of the book. But I will say if I like the genre or if the book was well written, just not my “thing”. That makes a difference. Hope your December is lovely and here’s to no computer issues. Cheers.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

It is a stunning, breathtaking photo, Liza. Reviews. Ugh! Without them, we sink in the rankings. There is something positive to say about most books. And if there is not, I do not write a review. Have a lovely holiday season!

jabblog said...

Beautiful photograph. Sunset (and sunrise) over water is always special, even in less than perfect weather.

Leigh Caron said...

Beautiful photo. I don't get to see sunsets where on the Caribbean coast...but I do get spectacular sunrises. I don't often give reviews. Reading is so subjective.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Gorgeous picture!!! Our best sunsets are here because I can see the horizon, or anywhere on one of the Great Lakes. I have written book reviews, mostly on Goodreads. I think I would be afraid to read reviews of my own work but I mostly review only books I like. I think I'm doing it for the reader, not the author. As to Blogger....I've had some issues but can't bring myself to change.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

That is a gorgeous photo!
I'd take the cold over the heat (maybe that's because I live in a sub-tropical environment.

Diane Burton said...

Love the picture! I hope things slow down for you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you figured it out.
That is a beautiful shot.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Lovely photo. I'm very lucky that in my new home my kitchen window is squared up to every sunset.
Have a lovely holiday.

chickangell said...

What a fantastic view! I haven't gotten to enjoy a good sunset in some time. Or a sunrise for that matter. Thank you for this gift.


Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog