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Monday, March 21, 2016

Glass Half Full

Late snow weaves white cloth
Hearty daffodils poke through
Sewing us to spring


Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

soon it will be pollen season :O)

(is that glass half empty?)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Snow and spring - I'd say that's an awesome combination!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I saw this so often when we lived in Utah, the hardy daffodils that broke through the ground in early spring, then nearly covered with a late snow. I absolutely adore daffodils. After seeing this every year, they became my favorite flower, my little hero of a flower!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

That was a nice way of putting it. I say, "damn snow" and pray that we don't have to see it again till next January. Your picture and words, though, were lovely

Michael Di Gesu said...

Such an amazing pic....

I have a pic of FLAMINGOS in the snow that I had taken in Chicago at the Lincoln Park Zoo. It is one of my absolute favorites!

mshatch said...

We got some of that white stuff up here, too. Ugh. Hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow and melt it all.

Joanne said...

that yellow pops against the snow background. March always teases. I hope you melt soon and enjoy true spring. I can remember having to wear a coat and boots over my lovely Easter outfit as a kid in PA.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Liza - just glad we don't have snow .. it is beautiful though. Cheers Hilary

Leandra Wallace said...

Pretty poem! Or is that haiku? I'm not good w/poetry. =) My daffodils came up this year, but for some reason didn't bloom. Still enjoying the greenery tho!

Robin said...

Now that is tenaciousness in action!

Connie said...

Lovely photo and poem. I'm rooting for the daffodils to win out. :) I hope you have a happy Easter.

Pixel Peeper said...

I love the courage and persistence of daffodils. (In Germany, their name is "Easter Bells.")