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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Karma and Comfort - ISWG September 2019

It's IWSG Day. The goal of this blog hop is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds. IWSG is the brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh, our brilliant ninja leader. The awesome co-hosts for September are: Gwen Gardner, Doreen McGettigan, Tyrean Martinson, Chemist Ken, and Cathrina Constantine. To find a list of other contributors and to link to their posts, click here.

This month's optional question:  If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why? 

Until this past weekend, each morning I spent my writing time at a drop-leaf table in front of a picture window overlooking the commuter traffic that buzzes down our road. On dark days, I had to put a light on and from the outside, let’s just say I was visible. I suppose most passers-by didn’t give me a glance, but more than a year ago, a neighbor I don't known particularly well stopped me one day. “What are you doing in front of that window?” he asked.

Since then, I’ve felt too front and forward— a target for anyone to say, “You’re a writer? Have you written anything I've heard of? Oh. You’re not published?

It made me want to move my writing space away from that window, but the only place to go was to an actual desk, a cumbersome roll-top with a shallow front, too narrow to fit my lap-top. It was not a quality piece and had become a junk-collector. We’d shove things inside, pull the top down and forget them. It was tall too, and if we swapped it with my writing table it would block the window. 

We decided to replace it with a regular desk, but had no interest in making a major investment. We scoured online sites and took field trips to antique stores, searching for a used piece to blend with the mismatch of furniture we’ve inherited from family, but had no luck. Months passed—and I found myself hopping up from my table and hiding when the neighbor who’d asked the question drove out of his driveway each morning.

Then, last Saturday, my husband and I stepped outside to discover a line of cars parked down our street. An estate sale was underway in a house that just sold. It’s at the end of a long, private driveway and I was delighted, since I’d always wanted to see the inside of it.

"Wanna go?" I asked my husband.
"Sure." He shrugged, used to my curiosity.

Honestly, we weren't thinking about buying anything. I just wanted to tour the house. But there, two hundred yards from home, we found the exact desk we’d been looking for and at a yard sale price. Call it fate. Call it karma. Call it right place/right time. Hallelujah! We wrote a check and hauled it home.

So back to today’s question. If I could pick the perfect place to write? Well, of course one’s mind drifts to a writer’s retreat in coastal Maine, or an open window overlooking the azure Caribbean. But I know myself. I’d be too distracted. My place is here, at my new-to-me leather-topped desk in the corner of our living room, invisible to the cars speeding by.

As for the roll-top? We purged the junk and lugged it down to the end of our driveway and taped a “free” sign on it. A young couple loaded it into their car about an hour later. I like to think good karma hit twice last weekend.

Where would you write if you could?


Pat Garcia said...


Halleluja! You found the perfect desk that will inspire you in your writing career. I would say you were there right on time. Whoever thought that your desire would not be far away from where you live but right down the street.

All the best.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's awesome your perfect desk was just down the street waiting for you. Bet that young couple were just as delighted with their find.

Leigh Caron said...

I think Karma knew you would be kind to give away your old desk, and found a new-to-you one for you. And I fear the same questions from people when I say I'm a writer -“You’re a writer? Have you written anything I've heard of? Oh. You’re not published?

lostinimaginaryworlds.blogspot.com said...

Yes, agree with you about the distractions, I'm busy all the time, looking after an invalid husband, and if I went anywhere, I'd just enjoy a rest 😊

Joanne said...

the right desk was lurking just around the corner. Funny, how that goes. I guess it's like Dorothy said in Oz, "There's no place like home." I like to think I could write brilliantly if I was at a beach. But no, I'd be in the water or walking the beach. I'm probably better off at this ugly desk of mine in our "office" at my home. Emphasis on home. Take care and hope that desk brings more inspiration (and no neighbor nosiness)

Jan Morrison said...

Yep, wherever we are is the best place to write! I'm going to wander a bit and then settle down at my dining room table and fly 'atter.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Love this story about the double karma! I hope your new desk brings you lots of creativity, inspiration and success! :)

Doreen McGettigan said...

Oh I love when that kind of karma strikes! I got my desk from someone's driveway. They placed a free sign on it. It was exactly what I was searching for.
Wishing you successful writing on that desk!

Lisa said...

I love stories like this! Congratulations on the new desk and writing space. I kind of like the idea of being visible and making people wonder what I'm doing, but I've never had that kind of scrutiny before so don't know if I'd like it in real life! Thanks for dropping by!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Liza - as you say 'karma' - extraordinary ... actually I thought you were going to buy the house!! Then of course realised ... ah ha - the desk. Well done ... now enjoy your writing as Fall descends on us ... cheers Hilary

Natalie Aguirre said...

What an awesome story about getting the perfect desk. Happy writing in privacy.

Astrid said...

This is such a great story. I'm so glad you found your perfect desk. I got my desk (which I write about in my IWSG post too) online (on a site like eBay) at a yard sale price too.

Sarah Foster said...

That's awesome that you found the perfect desk so close to home! Hopefully lots of writing will happen on it.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

What a great story! I'd say it was a major win for both you and the couple who carted away your old desk. Sounds like karma is on your side, kiddo. Going anyplace wonderful to write would be wasted on me. I'm better off writing right here at home (but not right in front of a window, thankyouverymuch) because if I'm somewhere exotic or exciting, the writing would be abandoned in favor of adventure. (You have to understand. At my age, going to the store is an adventure. HA!)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That is such a cool desk story. I love it. My writing desk is a cheap thing I picked up on clearance at an office store. It's perfect. LOL, noisy neighbor though.
Thanks for the advice on where to sit and write in Boston. Making a note.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I call it serendipity.
How awesome!

Kalpana said...

I'm glad you found your desk and can now hide from that neighbour. Happy IWSG day.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I believe in karma. Congrats on your new desk!

Nick Wilford said...

Lynda beat me to it - I think it was a bit of serendipity to find that desk so close to home. Hope it brings you luck!

There's every chance that neighbour would have been genuinely interested in your writing and not dismissive, but the idea of being exposed... I'm not into that. I think it was a good call to move.

Julie Flanders said...

Oh my gosh what a great story! Clearly that desk was meant to be yours. Enjoy writing on it!

Empty Nest Insider said...

I’m so glad you found the perfect desk and you’ll always have this wonderful story to inspire you. It was an added bonus to see your old desk being whisked away by a young couple so quickly. I think there’s more to this story...


Connie said...

What a great story! That desk was definitely meant to be yours.

Michael Di Gesu said...

What a great story.... it's so nice that wonderful old roll top will have a new family and will be used and cherished for another generation. So happy you found your perfect writing desk. We are creatures of habit and creative people really do need a place to be comfortable. For me, I'm stretched out on the sofa or in bed and I write on top of a computer table. I have diffused light streaming through my windows and I am content. But now, I am in the middle of packing up my Chicago Condo and moving all my 'Stuff' to a lovely village three hours west of the city. An historic town on the border of the grand Mississippi River, Galena, IL will be my new home. I just recently signed a contract to buy a turn of the century framed home with a wonderful front porch! I'll also have a huge walk up attic, which I plan to turn into my recreation of the Hogwarts's library...I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. I have hundreds of books that I will be able to display in the century old rafters in this charming historic home... Time for a new adventure!

Sussu said...

I agree, the proper desk is so important. But the proper chair is also key. I think I just realized that these last weeks.

J.Q. Rose said...

What a cool story. Loved that line--Karma hit twice.
I bet your stories are even more sparkling when you sit at the new desk and write. Wishing you all the best!
JQ Rose