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Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Week in Review (16)

Things I have learned:

Sometimes I really don’t know what I am going to write about when I sit down to tend to this blog. Since that goes for each of the four days that I completed this week, I’m allowed to be proud of myself.

Planting annuals a weekend early will guarantee that temperatures will plummet for the next several days.

It’s daunting to consider that someone I encountered as a blip early in life is now the subject of study in my child’s English class.

Graduations and senior proms are evidence of the fluid nature of time. Does anyone know where I could get some liquid nitrogen?

Being home most of the day forces a broader awareness. Curbing curmudgeon-ly characteristics, I’ve refrained from calling the town about the dip in the road just beyond our house that trucks using our street as a cut-through vault over as they exceed the speed limit…

So far.

Maintaining my self-discipline after a dump-truck catapults over at 6:20 on a rainy Saturday morning is proving to be a bit more challenging…

There are few things in life that beat out eating leftover birthday cake with coffee for breakfast.

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